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Brand Building Work Summary 2016

Release time: 2017-06-15 Publisher: By Nader

Brand Building Work Summary 2016

By Nader | Updated: 2017-03-28

In Sept. 2015, a real estate promotion in Guangzhou 

In April 2016, a real estate promotion in Beijing 

In May 2016, SNEC 2016 PV Power Expo in Shanghai

In May 2016, a PV promotion in Shanghai

In June 2016, a real estate promotion in Shanghai

In June 2016, a charging facility exhibition in Beijing

In Aug. 2016, a general promotion in Chengdu

In Sept. 2016, a promotion in Yangzhong, Jiangsu

In Oct. 2016, China Wind Power 2016 in Beijing

In Dec. 2016, a general promotion in Nanjing

In 2017, what’s the next?

In 2016

14 large brand conferences

23 co-organized conferences

290 technology exchanges 

Nader Foresees the Future

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